
The ridges of thatched buildings today fall into two categories, flush and block-cut, with variations in each category. There is no practical advantage in a block-cut ridge over a flush ridge on an over coated roof. A patterned block-cut ridge will cost more than a ridge without cut patterns.
Turn-over Flush Ridges
This type of ridge sits flush with the plane of the roof. The ridge is fixed using lengths of split hazel or willow ('liggers') clamped into the ridge by spars. Flush ridges are generally decorated with cross pattern work in between the horizontal hazel or will “ligger” work.
Block-cut Ridges
These ridges stand proud of the plane of the roof. There is no evidence for block-cut ridges on traditional buildings in the South, in particular, before the late 19th century. Documentary evidence and photographs show that block-cut ridges remained rare until the 1930s and the fancy decorated versions were more widely used. The different patterns of a block cut ridge may have been the trademark of particular thatchers or thatching families, However nowadays there are more thatchers than trademarks available, Which paves the way for customer choice of available patterns.